Yep many of the jobs are doable at home but in the end it boils down to time and a rather uncomfortable garage floor for me
. On typical home ramps/stands there's so little space to work and inspect properly a 15 minute job in a garage turns into a longer job at home.
I'm busy most Saturdays as most of us will be and Sunday is not a great day to do work on a car because if you balls up a job you're stuffed for parts and spares until Monday so not being able to get to work would be a right hassle.
A good Indy will suffice in terms of stamps, if your selling private then the stamps may not be as important. I fully accept where a car dealer is coming from, they can't stick a car on a forecourt with no service history and expect it to shift because there will be 10 other cars with FSH that will shift in far quicker time.
Equally if I bought a car with no documented service history and it fell apart a week after buying it, I would expect a lot of people to say 'took a risk...what were you expecting'.
I'm glad there's plenty of DIY information on here