I'm new here having bought an '05 GTI (DSG) two weeks ago, so apologies if this has been covered before.
I bought the car privately on the 23/08, tested it, there where a few bumps and marks but nothing that concerned me. On the 29/08 I went to reverse off my drive way and it felt as though the gearbox had slipped. As I was driving I noticed what sounded like a rubbing noise but no loss of power or issue with the gear change. At first I thought one of the calipers may have seized as the noise was coming from the front offside. Got to my local VW specialist and when they took a look the noise was originating from the Cambelt which was clearly worn despite the fact that the previous owner had changed it 5000 miles ago. I agreed to get the work done, however the garage put the car on the ramp this afternoon and noticed this:-

I haven't got much idea what I'm looking at to be honest. It was explained but I was so f*****g p****d off, I missed most of it!
It's been diagnosed with a lower mount failure (?). I've been told it's the only failure of it's kind that they've seen on a GTI but may be the result of a front impact and a temporary fix.
The Garage is recommending an engine replacement. Anyone else had this and is a new engine my only option?
Thanks in advance!