I've just spent a fortune getting my archers to sit perfect on my rotiforms now they're all dented,
Votex is all scuffed up, miltek is dented to f*ck and something's come loose underneath the car.
It only starting hissing when it dumped the whole car but when I turnt the ignition off took
the key out the compressor is still rawing away. I've had to disconnect my battery incase the compressor sets a light. Car goes back to studio in car today so hopefully the find and solve the problem. Hoping it's not the management as my e-level controller wouldn't work either.
two new genuine wings painted will be like £400
Votex well yeah that's a bum and exhaust can be made for like £90 at a local exhaust centre
i had a stuck relay on mine which caused one compressor to keep going, the other was off. i hit it with a spanner gently and it's been good as gold since.
if your e level is not working then that's probably an issue.
like i said man it's a bit of an over reaction as said the overall cost of repair when you factory in what you have spent on the car is very little.