Oi Oi interwebs
Been bothering a few of you with questions for the last few months so i thought id throw a little build thread up of the new women in my life, never owned anything over than vws and dont see that changing for a very long time if ever, this is now my forth
its a 2005 3dr GTI and as all of you know its a truely incredible car but before i start banging on and boring you all with it ill throw a little back ground in of the history
Car number 1: My one true love

a resto project me and my dad decided to do when i was 16, we spent weeks debating bug or bus but the right choice was made
Car number 2: The first golf

a tiny 1.3 got me through 6th form and made some really good memories but before i knew it i was itching for more speed then i stumbled across this

Bought it through a member on Edition38 and after a fair bit of work got it up to reasonable condition, really taught me alot about driving, the sad day came when I started uni and the countless motorway miles began, could only bare the sight of the speedo and the thought of the engine internals for so long before i had a major cooling problem nearly costing me the car, spent a few weeks fixing that on the search for something realiable
that brings us here

saw it for a good price after losing hope in my searches and was on the road to view it the next day at a suzuki dealer, the bloke that traded it in must be mad!

anyway he was by no means an enthusiast with signs of wear and tear all around but i like a challenge and ended up taking it home, the step up was amazing and thats before i started exploring (ill explain this part in abit). Any who the spec of the car was decent, 18" monza, heated/electric folding mirrors, auto wipers, heated leathers, the old bluetooth kit (which has now ruined my dash) auto dimming mirrors, xeons and my personal favourite the sun roof
the car looked like it had been tortured at a car wash a few too many times

that only meant one thing for me, pushing uni work aside for a...

not me by any means but tickled me inside hope you enjoy!

true lover of poor boys nattys blue, this was after one coat after a clay bar and a quick lick of auto finesse tripple
then the head unit got changed big fan of kenwood using them in both the other golfs, why fix whats not broken right?

so everyone who owns or moves in the same circles as someone else with a mk5 knows the problem of the DV, ive seen some bad ones but i think i might just be able to top the list

and to think i was impressed with the performance when i first bought the car, been upgraded to the revision G so i shouldnt be seeing this problem anymore

then the day come where i thought id try my hand at wrapping, not perfect but im happy with the turnout for now just to get a feel for it, was supposed to be taking the ms out for dinner... lets just say i was a little bit late that day
skipping forward sorting the problem of the broken window which was explained in another thread on here i woke up one morning deciding the car needed some new shoes and while i was there i might as well bring it a bit more down to earth

H&R with a 30mm drop and a new set of Team Dynamics imolas, also not in the picture is a blue-flame suitcase delete, lovely piece of kit and you can see its been made well, bought it direct from blue flame for piece of mind, only thing to note is your gonna need an adapter to bring the stock to 3 inch, had a mind blank and this wasn't even considered before removing the old exhaust, don't know if the eBay one is the same but be wary before starting, trying to go cat back now anyway so its only a stepping stone
now its up to date, getting all the bits to do a full service before winter also need a cambelt change so new improvements will be on hold for a little bit apart from the odd thing here and there, got wind deflectors in the post and an LED kit, hoping to get to rtech sooner rather than later as well for a stage 1 map, wont be going further than that performance wise for a while, not straight line anyway
hope you've enjoyed the read so fair and please through some input my way, let me know what you think and any little touches i can add to my long list of dreams
and remember...