As you know,ive always run Dunlops on this Edition 30 since ive had it, its always been a tad noisey with tyre roar on the road, but when the alloys were resprayed the tyres have got even more noisey due to i think them putting the tyres back on the rims the wrong way round, (Rotational being correct) which have made them even more irritatingly load.
Apon closer inspection, not sure if this is a common problem with Dunlops, but the tread looks like its deforming!!, have a look at these pics to see what you think, but i can see why my car sounds like its running on gravel 24/7!! even on a smooth road, you can hear these!
Anyone else had this or known these deform or appear to have??

I know Dunlops arent the best , but i am astonished these are like this