I'm sorry that you have been subject to this issue.
The same person responded to a wanted post i put up for 18" monza's. They didnt add to the post but instead communicated by pm. I unfortunately do not have the pm's anymore.
They said there were located in Liverpool and had a set they were refurbing currently in primer. If i remember i asked for photos of items and price, didnt hear much more.
Only advise i would give with any purchase sale:
- always ask to see pictures with forum name/date on a card in each. -
perhaps this could be made a requirement for all sales- only pay by paypal or sell via paypal, any genuine purchaser will be happy to pay fees
- never pay by BACS/Chaps bank transfer or paypal gift.
- If the member has not been registered for long check all there other posts, discuss with them about paying paypal etc.. delivery, collection..
I did this recently with regards to the wanted monza's post. Had a reply to the thread by 'Gaz' only been on forum for 3 weeks, but checked all his posts, build thread. Discussed openly that i wanted extra pictures, only to pay via paypal, due to these issues. Couldnt have been better, posted when he said, provided with courier collection details, tracking invoice.
All the best with trying to get it back, take it as a lesson learnt, but dont let it loose trust there are many genuine users on here.