interesting thread....
best thing that changed for me was getting a bike licence.
you learn soo much more about road awareness learning to ride a bike than u do a car.
but then u need to cos of the speed a bike allows u to do. bonkers!

Same here, I have given up now as my 3 brushes tell me I am not cut out for it anymore.
If it were possible all new drivers should spend a day or two on a bike to let them see how there driving affects bikers.
If you ask me, some romper leathered up bikers need to spend a day or two in cars to see how their riding affects car drivers!!!
I know you can't label all bikers the same but around the Yorkshire/Derbyshire Dales bikers think they own the roads and I personally have seen more than my fair share of squashed and mangled bikes and bikers!!
There seems to be a trend for signs saying think twice think bike around here and for me it is the other way around.
Roads saying XXX bikers killed on here in the last 12 months basically signifies to me that they ride too hard and too fast for their own good and spend far too long on the wrong side of the road and overtaking where they shouldn't.

In all the years I've been driving I have never seen any more than one or two cars bridge the double white lines, but bikers think that they are there specifically to highlight that their overtaking area has just begun and I see it EVERY time I go out driving in Derbyshire.....It's unbelievable!!