the instructions state the below, so where would i spray this?
Warm up engine.
2) Remove flexible hose in the air intake system (Fig 1):
a) Situated between the turbocharger/intercooler and the air intake manifold (cleaning of air intake manifold and inlet valves) OR
b) Before turbo charger (cleaning of air intake system before turbo charger) OR
c) Before EGR valve (cleaning EGR valve), depending on which part you want to clean.
3) Start Engine, and let run at idle.
4) Spray the product in short intervals of 1 to 2 seconds into the air intake manifold (Fig 2). After
each pulverisation the engine rpm may increase or decrease; wait for engine rpm to stabilise before spraying again.
If during application the engine rpm decreases, accelerate a little to avoid stalling of the engine (up to approximately 2000rpm)
If during application the engine rpm increases or diesel knocking occurs, leave engine at idle during application. Do not accelerate!
5) On some vehicles application is easier with the use of the additional extension tube (fig 3)
6) Continue until the 200ml of product in the aerosol is consumed.
7) Let the engine run at idle for 2 minutes

Stop engine and re-connect air intake hose.
9) Start engine and accelerate the engine approximately 5 to 10 times; do not exceed 2500rpm, or drive for 3 to 5 miles.
10) Allow engine to idle again for at least one minute before stopping the engine.