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Author Topic: Newby after a bit of advice for a black mk5  (Read 3162 times)

Offline robump

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Newby after a bit of advice for a black mk5
« on: September 13, 2013, 12:15:49 am »
After putting of detailing my black mk5 for so long I have decided it is time to get it clean and sealed up for winter so would be appreciative of your advice.....

I have had a read of the sticky which was a great intro to the World of detailing.....

Upto now I have just used the two bucket method with some Meguiars gold class shampoo.

I am thinking that I am needing to strip it right back down and start again... So.....

Should I.... Clean it with the two bucket method and with fairy liquid to take off any remaining wax/polish?

I was thinking then I would start with the autoglym super resin Polish. Followed by some black hole glaze and then wax it with some collinate 915.

I am a complete newb to this so any links to good reads on applying any of this stuff would be really useful.

Also would I be worth getting a snow foam Lance for the karcher to use before I start and in the future?

Thanks for your help

Offline torque777

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Re: Re: Newby after a bit of advice for a black mk5
« Reply #1 on: September 13, 2013, 06:14:57 am »
Hi ..looks like you are starting correct with two bucket method ....I've only just bought a snow foam lance ...and it can be used anytime but is great in winter if you leave it to dwell for a bit then rince off you can then wash car for what your doing I would wash with shampoo then I would clay car to remove old waxes and polishes ..i now use blit hampler clay as it doesn't need lube spray just water so after car is washed and rinced I clay it while it's still wet and use hose to keep wet then I go round and de tar car you can use your srp or black hole if you want ..I didn't but only because I've machjne polished mine recently then I used collinite 476 wax which is great for winter and is now sealed ...your collinite will be fine also as its a liqud wax if I remember ....

That's washed last night after just collinite 476 applied
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« Reply #2 on: September 13, 2013, 10:50:53 am »
Cheers torque for your detailed reply.....

Just wondering if anyone thought it would be worth using the super resin Polish and then sealing it in with something... Open to suggestions.... Jet seal? Then waxing it with the collinite 476.

What would you use to remove the tar?

Am I right in assuming you use either a polish OR a glaze?

Any tips on applying the different products?

Thanks again

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Re: Newby after a bit of advice for a black mk5
« Reply #3 on: September 13, 2013, 11:06:31 am »
Depends what your trying to do, if your doing a bit of restoration, then you'll need something with a bit of cut first.  And a DA polisher to get the best results.

SRP is great but its a filler rather than cutter.  If your happy with the condition ATM, then by all means use SRP then EGP. :happy2:

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Re: Re: Newby after a bit of advice for a black mk5
« Reply #4 on: September 13, 2013, 12:14:29 pm »
Just a tip if using collinite 476 ...only do one pannel at a time and don't let it go dry as it's a pig to get off when it drys ...if it does either spray with detailing spray and wipe or apply a little more wax and remove straight away could use AG tar remover or autobrite just the tonic or autosmart tardis to remove tar spots from bodywork said AG srp is a filler polish ...good at what it does hole is a show glaze with fillers ...I've used both ...but now I've corrected my paintwork with a da I tend to clay add glaze then wax ....but if yours hasn't for a while and you just want to get it prepped for winter pop some polish on it won't hurt it ...I found collinite 476 for a wax brought out a good shine/reflextion tbf's great to wash now

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« Reply #5 on: September 13, 2013, 12:39:22 pm »
Thanks for the tip....

In terms of using a cutting polish can this be done by hand or am I likely to mess it up as a beginner?

Also what does detailing spray do? And when would you use it?


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Re: Newby after a bit of advice for a black mk5
« Reply #6 on: September 13, 2013, 01:10:27 pm »
Don't bother trying to actually remove swirls by hand, you'll never really do it (it takes so long its not worth it).

By hand just use a filler/glaze as listed above.

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Re: Re: Newby after a bit of advice for a black mk5
« Reply #7 on: September 13, 2013, 05:39:05 pm »
I use detaining spray after I've washed and dryed car ...use a plush microfiber cloth and do one pannel at a time ...I like to use poorboys quick detailer which has wax built in ...or muc off quick detailer I just find it finishes things off and removes any water marks from drying ..if you want good deals ..check out autocleanz of fb ...they do auctions with postage inc ...ive bought a fair bit this way ...just bought a snow foam lance to aid pre wash routine

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« Reply #8 on: September 13, 2013, 05:58:42 pm »
Cheers I'll check that out.... Will the SRP be alright as a filler?

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Re: Re: Newby after a bit of advice for a black mk5
« Reply #9 on: September 13, 2013, 07:17:38 pm »
I find its just a good all round polish long as you clay first u should see good results

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Re: Newby after a bit of advice for a black mk5
« Reply #10 on: September 14, 2013, 09:09:04 pm »
What clay should i get guys?


Offline torque777

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Re: Re: Newby after a bit of advice for a black mk5
« Reply #11 on: September 14, 2013, 09:52:14 pm »
It's upto you ...for regular maintenance I use a fine/medium grade clay need some sort of lube too ...but I like to use blit hampler auto clay which u just use water with it ...otherwise u can use detaining spray to lube most clays ...water the detailing spray down as u will use a bit ...just keep the clay well lubricated and rub clay up and down gently need to press hard and wipe away lube ..paint should feel nice and smooth now ...don't do this in direct sunshine as the pannels will be too hot and lube will dry out causing micro marring from dry clay ...fold the clay over after a couple of passes as you will see contaminants in it allready ...when its clean start using it again ...8)

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Re: Newby after a bit of advice for a black mk5
« Reply #12 on: September 23, 2013, 01:52:30 pm »
I use the Super Resin Polish mate and find it great stuff. Easy to apply and get pretty dam good results. Not that expensive either.
I wash mine in a mixture of Megs Gold shampoo and Johnsons Light Blue Baby Bath (trust me it works!) using the two bucket method after i've jet washed the majority of the grime off.

Wax wise I use Natty's Poor Boys Paste. Again I find this pretty good stuff for the price.

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Re: Newby after a bit of advice for a black mk5
« Reply #13 on: September 23, 2013, 05:00:52 pm »
Matey. I did mine yesterday. Used a meguires clay bar after washing to clean eyerything off and remove the tar. Then I used a meguires ultimate polish and then ultimate wax. All from Halfords. Took quite along time to get the tar off. About 3 hours. Waxed and it looks amazing.

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Re: Newby after a bit of advice for a black mk5
« Reply #14 on: September 23, 2013, 09:16:57 pm »
You can get really complicated so I'll keep this simple
Just buy what I suggest and you'll be fine.

WASHING - Your existing Shampoo will be fine.


SPRAYER - Use this honestly -

Fill it with a dab of shampoo and top with water. Nice and easy to clay then.

POLISH (FILLER) - SUPER RESIN POLISH and apply it with one of these..
It will help the product work better than you ever could with a normal pad or a cloth.

WAX - COLLINITE 476S (or if you wanted extra protection you can firstly use Autoglym Extra Gloss Protection and then use Collinite afterwards).
Use these to apply waxs or sealants

The process. Very briefly.

Wash the car firstly with fairly liquid (yes guys this is perfectly safe it does not corrode paint it does not cause rusting it is not bad, otherwise it would not be dermatalogically tested!!)
Now depends on the weather if it's sunny dry the car with a quality microfibre drying towel . Then move onto claying.

If it's not sunny then carry onto claying with the car still wet as it will make your life easier.
Use the clay with the shampoo mix in the bottle I linked you to. Clay the car thoroughly. If you've never clayed watch videos on Youtube. Mike Phillips, Larry @ AmmoNYC, Greg@Chemical Guys , and Junkman9000 all have done videos of how to clay
You do not have to use any special lubricants with Bilt Hamber no however the extra lubrication will reduce possibility of marring

After claying I like to either give the car a snowfoam or a quick single bucket wash just to remove any bits of clay or residues that could be left

Okay now the car has been clayed make sure it's nice and dry... you can go around the car with super resin polish.
Apply this using some applicators I linked to..

Work a panel at a time working the polish until it clears and then buff off with a CLEAN MICROFIBRE. Not one full of stones where it's been on the ground but a nice clean one.

After you've done the whole car now you can add your wax or sealant.
Follow manufacturer recommendations.

If you are using Collinite do 2 panels at a time, use a sponge applicator pad and work in straight line motions with THIN EVEN COATS.
If you buff Collinite off too soon it will "smear" leaving a hologrammy effect. So it's best to leave it for a short while.
Again use a clean microfibre towel to buff off. If the towel gets slightly grabby just apply less pressure, let the towel just glide over and pick up what it can and then eventually it'll level out and you can buff away nicely.

I always do 2 coats of wax to ensure coverage.

If you use Extra Gloss protection then apply it in a similar motion (straight lines) but you will need to use more product. EGP is weird to use it's like a liquid that transforms into a crystaline shell and it's the crystaline that you buff off. You can see where you've worked as you're applying when it goes hazy.
After you've gone round the whole car you need to wait 30-45 minutes.
Test a panel by getting your finger and doing a "swipe" to see if it removes cleanly. If it does go around and buff the whole car.
Don't forget to start buffing off where you first applied. ..

And then give it an hour or 2 before coating with Collinite (if you applied the EGP)

Ultimately the quality of the finish is in the paint preperation. I gave my car a full detail inc paint correction but it is topped with Collinite only as it's so durable (even though I wax it monthly rather than every 3-4 months)

With a well applied Glaze you can get a similar finish.  Up close however you'll be able to tell the difference

On Golfs make sure you dry under the mirrors very well as well - and avoid putting the windows down for a few hours.
Water sits under the mirrors so when you drive off it sprays all down the side of the car.
Little things you learn when you've owned one for 3 years lol
« Last Edit: September 23, 2013, 09:20:57 pm by xjay1337 »