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GTA V Xbox 360

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--- Quote from: Marc-5-GTI on October 03, 2013, 11:59:40 am ---Why would you wanna kill either of them?!

--- End quote ---

To get an extra 10 million after the last heist!


--- Quote from: richwig83 on October 03, 2013, 01:36:59 pm ---
--- Quote from: Marc-5-GTI on October 03, 2013, 11:59:40 am ---Why would you wanna kill either of them?!

--- End quote ---

To get an extra 10 million after the last heist!

--- End quote ---

What! wish i had done that would have quite happily sacrificed one of them.

how much did you get from the last heist? i ended up with about 18M ea.
I lost 45M! while doing it i dont think one of the cars made it back lol

About 24 million each

I ended up with 16M cause I picked the best team with the biggest cut...  :sad1:

How many heist do we have to do?

I've done about 50% and just gathering intel on the bank in the country....

P.S was online last night and arrived on the plane to Los Santos and done a few street races....

I'm part of ASCB = Another Sick Crew Bitch so watch out for us in the online mode.  :happy2:

From what i've read, the online mode is what Rockstar is really pushing and it looks like its gunna be big for online gamers.


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