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GTA V Xbox 360

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Do any of your characters change cloths? 9 times out of 10 when I come back to play they are all wearing different cloths, rather annoying.

Trevor keeps getting pissed and ending up on a hill....... in a dress!  :signLOL:

Still cant get online....

I just get "timed out when matchmaking"
And if I go to an invite only game it just sits there loading saying waiting for players....


--- Quote from: richwig83 on October 03, 2013, 06:14:02 pm ---Trevor keeps getting pissed and ending up on a hill....... in a dress!  :signLOL:

--- End quote ---

Lol, I've had him come out of bars or strip clubs in a dress. Worst one with him when he was pissed was on a high roof top which took ages to climb down from, think it was 5 different buildings in total to get down lol

Also spent stupid money on modding cars..  But it helps when Franklin buys the customs shop as it's all free then!


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