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GTA V Xbox 360

<< < (7/25) > >>

Glad I bought mine online, check this out:

Wrong place at the wrong time. I doubt the game has any significance, its just a normal street robbery.

I am thoroughly enjoying this game. Just completed the first heist. So much stuff to see and do.


--- Quote from: Nodz on September 17, 2013, 07:46:46 pm ---Only install disc 1 and not disc 2 to the hdd on the 360 as it can cause issues

--- End quote ---

Interesting. I usually install all my games but as I was excited and the install was long enough I didn't bother with the play disc :happy2:

This game is ruining my life... I keep staying up til midnight before sleeping...

got mine in the post from amazon today after a 9 month pre-order....
work form 16.30 till 22.00..then its GTA till the sun comes up!!!
 :laugh: :laugh:


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