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GTA V Xbox 360

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Just jumped onto a train and was hopping on the top and it crashed my ps3.

Nightmare... Can you get in trains and drive them? I shot the driver and it still wouldn't stop....


--- Quote from: Marc-5-GTI on September 21, 2013, 02:58:53 pm ---Nightmare... Can you get in trains and drive them? I shot the driver and it still wouldn't stop....

--- End quote ---

Not sure. That's what I was trying to do... But only got halfway down the train. Will try again once I've finished the story


--- Quote from: Marc-5-GTI on September 21, 2013, 02:58:53 pm ---Nightmare... Can you get in trains and drive them? I shot the driver and it still wouldn't stop....

--- End quote ---

I want to know this too, iv tried shooting the driver but just carries on. Next I'm going to steal a tank from the military base and lay it on the track :signLOL:. Or a gas tanker. You wouldn't believe I'm 22  :signLOL:

You'll be lucky to make it back to the track. Instant 4 stars when you steal the tank!!  :wink:


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