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GTA V Xbox 360

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I can see my self spending a lot of time on this game once the story is done with....  :scared:

Think you can play this too much... I was out shopping today and was walking towards the car, to try and get in the passenger side ... WTF, left hand drive... :jumping:  

Ok, so where are peeps at with this game, I've done the second big heist with the submarine and heli... (water effects are brilliant on the PS3) then picking out the targets via the helicopter/infra red and that... how many more main missions are there?

Can't wait for the online stuff, October 1st is it?

I've played only a few hours of the game. So far did some Franklin missions, then Michael and now back to Franklin. I've driven round the entire map perimeter road. I've found a place in the hills which is probably a future safe house. I've been on the fairground rides. Currently doing the ammunation challenges.

I want to find a map of the collectibles. That was my fave in VC and SA.

Anyone have tips on how to boost things like stamina more quickly?


--- Quote from: stealthwolf on September 22, 2013, 07:25:56 pm ---
Anyone have tips on how to boost things like stamina more quickly?

--- End quote ---

Exercise, biking, golf etc....

Just done the cargo plan mission  :smiley:


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