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GTA V Xbox 360

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Completed the main story, done a few side missions on about 74%. a fair amount left there... tis a good game, think i'll leave it until October now.

Im 11% in did the first lester mission and then decided to leave the rest due to reading advice above about stock markets


--- Quote from: AndrewJB on September 28, 2013, 10:57:00 pm ---Im 11% in did the first lester mission and then decided to leave the rest due to reading advice above about stock markets

--- End quote ---

This is later on. The Lester missions in question are based around assasinations. You have to do other Lester missions to progress the story. You will know when you get to them, but it's not till around 40%

Ah right excellent, i did the first one then he sent me a link to the stock markets and thats as far as i went with him

goes live on Tuesday cant wait mate!


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