Donation reference: D49477393 
Brilliant thanks

is your surname Morrison?
Firstly congrats in entering. Always wanted to do the great north run. And a good cause!!
Have you looked into the complications of charity raffles? Quite a few legal issues last time I looked.
What's the best way of providing a phone number if I entered? I'd rather not put my number on the just giving page. I get enough spam as it is on a number I've had for 12 years. :)
Also, your fundraising so far wouldn't even cover the cost of the PS4 let alone donate anything to charity. Can you deliver on your promise of the raffle prize?
It is fantastic fun I recommend it to anyone. Such a great atmosphere!
To be honest I haven't looked into the legalities at all, all the ticket money will be transferred onto JustGiving (I have another £300 cash) and I'll be putting the draw onto YouTube.
You could always PM me your number and it'll be safe with me.
As for the cost of the PS4 I have paid for it out of my own pocket and it's pre-ordered from Amazon due for delivery on 29th Nov. I've made a total of £500 now but will try to sell enough tickets to make £1000. I'll probably only take £100-£200 back out of the original purchase price too so most of the money goes into the Charity.
Hope that explains a few things and if you buy a ticket, thank you and good luck