Good Afternoon guys!
Ive recently joined the forum and am currently on the look out for my first vw.
Currently an e46 driver but previous owner Clio 172's and lots of MX5's in various states of tune.
As i skim through the pages im learning as i go but thought id start out by trying to clarify something from the initial post. Apologies if its already been covered.
See quote - "However if you wanted to put, let's say.. 18x8.5 et 45, not only is the wheel itself one inch wider, but it sits 6mm further out. So the outer lip of the wheel will sit approx 31mm further out from where a standard Monza 2."
This doesnt seem quite right to me and may mislead others. Yes the wheel is an inch wider... but its half an inch wider in both directions.. so surely it would be half an inch plus the 6mm increase in offset wider (so 18.5mm wider rather than the 31mm quoted. We are working off centre lines so we dont add an inch to but sides?
For example.
My plan is to run 3sdm 0.05 at 18x8.5 on the front. ET42.
This will result in around 21.5mm extra poke and 3.5mm extra inset.
Does that make sense? I dont want anyone to read anything as gospel without using sites like willitfit or be put off running there desired wheels without doing a bit of leg work etc

Hello again everyone. Excellent site!