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Author Topic: advice please  (Read 1725 times)

Offline al200

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advice please
« on: May 14, 2013, 10:11:57 pm »
Hi, I'm new to the forum and this is my first mk5 gti. I bought the car about 3 months ago. Its a 56 plate (2006) with 18000miles on the clock.

I have been having an issue with the clutch sticking halfway down ONLY after a right hand bend. That is, I take a right hand bend in second, after the bend I change up to third but the clutch does not return all the way up. It still goes into gear but I have to pull the clutch back up with my foot.

I took it to a vw specialist who believes it is due to crank end play/float. The vw tech line confirmed this from the symptoms and claimed that a number of cars had this. The only fix is a new bottom end as apparently you cant just change the crank. They quoted £2600 to supply and fit. They also said that they would need to do a proper diagnosis first which will cost £300.

The trader I bought it from does not believe this is the problem and wants me to bring the car down so he can have it diagnosed.

Could someone give me some feedback on the follwing question:
1. What is involved in measuring end float? Is it a big job as the trader seems to think they can just tug at something from under the vehicle to see if this is the problem.
2. Why can't the crank just be replaced.

Your advice is much appreciated as I feel the trader is trying to dodge responsibility for this and leave me with the bill.

Thanks in advance

Offline al200

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Re: advice please
« Reply #1 on: May 15, 2013, 05:56:44 am »
Anyone had this problem before?  :sad1:

Offline sandancer

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Re: advice please
« Reply #2 on: May 15, 2013, 07:27:23 am »
Just had exactly the same problem albeit my pedal used to stick on any gear change. Mine was a faulty slave cylinder, 'box out job to change it. Check underneath the gearbox to see if any hydraulic fluid is present.
Never heard of crank endfloat problems on this engine, even if there was I can't see it giving that kind of symptom anyway. Hope you get it sorted  :smiley:
Nice low mileage by the way !

Offline Scottymon

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Re: advice please
« Reply #3 on: May 15, 2013, 07:44:08 am »
Hope you get it sorted, the first diagnosis sounds hugely expensive, I'd want a recon engine and gearbox fitted for less than that.

Mines coming up to 100k more miles on the same plate, still on original DMF and clutch. :surprised:

Offline fab5freddy

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Re: advice please
« Reply #4 on: May 15, 2013, 08:33:57 am »
X2 for slave cylinder

Do a search on here, I'm sure I've read a couple of threads diagnosing your symptoms that turned out to be the slave cylinder  :happy2:

Offline al200

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Re: advice please
« Reply #5 on: May 15, 2013, 09:19:02 pm »
Thanks for the repllies. I've read a lot of posts on sticking clutches being caused by the slave/master cylinder however the difference with mine is that it only happens after a right hand bend/corner.

I've found only a handful of similar symptoms on the web and all have claimed that it is crank end play.

The trader I bought it from said he will get someone to check if there is play in the crank, but I dont think I trust them to do this properly.

Does anyone know whats involved in measuring crank end play.?

Or, has anyone had the same symptoms?

Offline al200

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Re: advice please
« Reply #6 on: September 20, 2013, 08:51:35 pm »
I just wanted to give an update on this in case anyone has the same issues in the future.

The problem did turn out to be crank end float. Apparently caused by the thrust washers falling out. Not sure what causes this.

I had a new short block fitted but luckily the dealer and warranty company paid the majority of the bill. It seems that this is a fault with the GTi. Not sure how common it is, but for the VW tech-line to immediately recognise it and claim that they have had a number of these cases, it must be fairly common. I came across a few cases on US forums.

So the new engine is just about run in and the car is now running sweet. I almost questioned selling my Clio 182 for the GTi before, but now its back on form I can't stop driving it.

For anyone looking for good Mechanic in the Croydon area, I can definitely recommend VGS up the road in Keston/New Addington who carried out the work. VAG specialist and excellent service. There car enthusiasts and they know what their doing. The mechanic who worked on my car has got a Revo stage 3 Gti and was nice enough to take me out for a drive - crazy speed.

To sum up, don't buy a GTi in which the clutch sticks after turning right.

Offline DANBOY66

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Re: advice please
« Reply #7 on: September 21, 2013, 05:20:48 am »
who would of thought it would be the crank  :surprised:

glad its worked out good for you in the end


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