It's a 1.6 THP Petrol.
I've had a look around the web and found some very scary stories about timing chains and hydraulic tensioners giving up and destroying the engines

for which there seems to be no known cure!
To be more elaborate...she said that she noticed this last Saturday...she felt that when she tried to accelerate,the car just lacked it's usual power-it just felt like a standard 1.6 without the turbo,so I figured that it sounded like a lack of boost pressure,which immediatly made me think if the dump valve or that a hose had split but then she told me that she had revved it a couple of times outside her house and the car seemed to come back to life.
Now I think it might have been the o2 sensor getting a bit coked and the revving of the engine clearing it.
I've advised her to get it to a garage and get it looked at,but it's getting MOT'D soon anyway so shes going to ask the garage to check it out then.