I think there's still one left after you, List updated anywho!
1. Prawny - Audi A3 1.8T
2. Wazzzer - Mk4 Golf 1.8T
3. RedRobin - Mk5 Golf GTI Est. bhp - Who cares! As long as the curves are smooth and healthy.
4. NeilTdi - MK2 Golf VR6
5. Romocop - MK5 GOLF GTI Est. bhp -265
6. Sibart - Octy vRS
7. Stealthwolf - Golf GTI ED30 (provisional at this point, will confirm closer to the date)
8. MrTay - Leon Cupra 1.8T AUQ
9. Flashp (Ashley) - Mk5 Pirelli
10. Alex Feast - BMW M3 E46 (Ref Saintsteve)
11. gaj0801 - Mk5 GTi
12. BlaineB87 - Audi A3 1.8T
13. maxload - GTi Ed30
14. GarethB - Mk5 Golf GTI Est. bhp - 325
15. Hurdy - Golf R - Est. bhp - 360
16. muckipup - Octavia VRS
17. Saint Steve Ed30.DSG
18. gaj0801-Another one for a mate (Mk5 Golf GTI BWA KO4)
19. OCTYGONE - Skoda Superb - 180
1. Rumple - Mk5 GTI
2. MrTay - Leon Cupra 1.8T AUQ
3. BlaineB87 - Audi A3 1.8T