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Author Topic: 98 or 95 Ron  (Read 10573 times)

Offline Gazza747

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Re: 98 or 95 Ron
« Reply #30 on: October 09, 2013, 09:30:44 pm »
I'm sure my filler cap says minimum 98 RON!

Yeah mine does too. Although I think on later Gti's they changed it to 95. I have heard of head gasket problems on Gti's running long term on 95, but I don't know if that is only early cars or not. Personally I have always used super, get better mpg and feel.

I have an 07 plate Gti and it states 95 ron on the filler flap. In the instruction booklet it states "There will not be a gain in fuel efficiency or power with a higher ron fuel". I get around 40mpg on my 36 mile commute with 95 ron so the efficiency is pretty good. If I had an earlier Gti or ED30 or map to 99 ron I would use the highest ron fuel available.
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Offline ThomWalker

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Re: 98 or 95 Ron
« Reply #31 on: October 09, 2013, 11:45:50 pm »
I tend to only use Momentum the slightly better mpg over a tank just about justifies the extra cost. Works out to be about the same mile/£ for me