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Author Topic: Oil leak after service and possible over heating?  (Read 1044 times)

Offline nytrolic

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Oil leak after service and possible over heating?
« on: October 08, 2013, 08:53:56 am »

Recently had my 06 GTI in for a service (oil, oil filter, spark plugs etc), I also had my rocker cover gasket replaced.

All was well for about a week, until the other day when I took it on a late night drive down the motorway for an hour, doing about 70-80ish, so not spanking it and going crazy, just a standard drive.

When I got home I could smell burning, and then when I got out of the car smoke was pouring through the front grille, quite alarmed I took it on a short slow drive to blow some cool air over the engine and then the check engine light came on, it was about 11pm so there wasn't anything I could do but park up and leave it.

Now when I drive it, it gets up to temperature like normal, and then the temperature gauge goes down by a couple of bars, leading me to believe the fan is coming on? Also most times when I pull up, the fan is going, it never used to do that.

I've also noticed a few patches of oil on the drive, and my parking space at work

The oil level is fine, the coolant level is fine, I just can't think what this could be!

So if anybody's got some ideas It would be much appreciated!


Offline Jasons4s

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Re: Oil leak after service and possible over heating?
« Reply #1 on: October 08, 2013, 11:08:17 am »
Could be they spilled oil all over the engine and that was what was burning off with the smoke.

I'd pull the engine cover off and have good look. And maybe give the engine a (careful) wash with Gunk or similar?

Also keep a close eye on the levels to make sure there are no leaks.

just a guess but perhaps the fan is coming on more often as it has clean coolant and has washed some of the insulative crud off the sensors?
That sound like a possibility to anyone?


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Re: Oil leak after service and possible over heating?
« Reply #2 on: October 08, 2013, 11:42:25 am »
The temperature gauge going down could be coolant temp sensor (which can give an EML) , or thermostat, or could also be genuinley cold coolant as it only measures the temperature in the coolant tank.

Offline nytrolic

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Re: Oil leak after service and possible over heating?
« Reply #3 on: October 08, 2013, 12:14:02 pm »
Thanks for the replies chaps

I've had the engine cover off, coil packs and spark plugs out and they all look ok, no signs of melting or burning.

There is a tiny tiny bit of oil from my rocker cover gasket leak (which is fixed now)

I've bought a scanner from Amazon so I'll check for any errors when it arrives

Thanks again!