Sounds like grounds for a refund or at least an offer of a voucher for another show!
I heard that on days before when Santa Pod had been rained off, they would give out free vouchers but unfortunately nothing? Perhaps it is wrong to expec something back, I wouldn't want my £15 back (it's a pointless sum of money to argue about) but a free visit for another event would have been nice, for all 150 cars that were there.. it was so quiet I'm not even joking it was like a post-apocalyptic ghost town.
Mike Brewer was there though. He was on top form with the banter, and gave out the trophy's to the winners (those who got an entry form anyway!!)
It's a little sad really. GTI Springfest (where I spent a large amount of time having blown my gearbox there

) was a bit sporadic in the placement of stands but overall was a good show. I think any show at Santa Pod needs the strip and without it, it's basically a large carpark that's awkward to get to with roads local access roads that will smash your undercarriage.