Your like a bunch of old women!

And your all wrong!

Had a great day @ VWR as me PG and Uncle Knob Head took the place over for the day!!

To address the various questions............................
The brakes are a lot better but theres still room for improvement, will sort those at a later date. The clutch for the moment is fine, short and tall of it being, I have had the DMF replaced under warranty and there was fitment issues with the SACHS uprated clutch plate. This is being looked into as we speak but the good news is I have no slip after having the new DMF.

So to today, I have had.....
A VWR Milltek back box. This is the unit with the smaller back box as fitted to the VWR race cars. SteveP had one fitted to his car and we did a deal to swap, as it happened there was a problem with his BB so I received a brand spanker today and it sounds

with my non res DP!!

We also fitted a set of xenon headlights and Cruise control!

(Thanks Dave and Steve!)
I have also bought Steve's THS IC and this will be fitted at a later date. Already have a pump and CAI so nearly there on the performance front.

Pics to follow at the weekend!