Oh really,
I've looked into doing them but I just haven't got the confidence as I'm rubbish with electrics..
Don't suppose there's anybody on here that modify them?
I keep meaning to do this to my VALEO units, I've got as far as having my outer units coded to give a ring appearance.
You'll need to get the LED's fitted into your inner VALEO units, when that's done you'll need those inner LED clusters wired into the car and then the lot needs coding via VCDS to work. Its a fair bit of work.
Try JLSTuning in Romania for fitting the LED's (but he's known to take his time) or personally I'd go for a chap called Criag (username Buckets) on golfmkv.com who's in Australia who has a great reputation and the quality of his work is top notch.
Have a read through this lot posted on golfmkv.com, explains the mod, gives a guide for the Skyline mod (4 ring/polo look), a wiring guide and other bits......
~~ Clicky here ~~Should look like this when done..........