I thought I would update with my adventure... I had the usual warm-DSG issue.. whereby the gearbox would become very clunky when warm.. Mostly 1st gear.
Went into VW Lookers Battersea under extended warranty.. I had to pay for the excess and they had a go at it.. I mentioned I thought it was the Mechatronic playing up.. but they insisted in doing it their way.. a software reset didn't change anything so they directly replaced the clutch pack (car only had 6k very light miles..).. I took the car back and of course the same issue reappeared as soon as the engine oil would go above 90C..
Long story short.. they took the car back in, did a 2 days diagnostics.. managed to convince VW that the Mechatronic needed replacement. Gave me the car back whilst the part was being ordered.. 1month later they kept the car for 4 days to install it, test it, send software readings back to Germany.. re-test it.. re-download and so on and so forth.
I have the car back now and it does feel like a different car altogether.. no more jerking.. perfectly smooth. Just likes to keep 2nd gear a lot more I have a feeling.. especially when coming to a junction it will not downshift to 1st unless I mark a complete stop. Not that it bothers me too much.. but car will just pull away in 2nd gear smoothly.
No I can start thinking about thinking all the upgrades which I have been missing.. like LED rear light, PDC OPS, RNS 510, BT & iPod