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Author Topic: GPS car tracker  (Read 3417 times)

Offline RetroRaz

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GPS car tracker
« on: October 17, 2013, 10:57:23 pm »
After seeing quite a few GTI's been stolen I was thinking before I buy mine I want to have a GPS car tracking system on my car.

Ive seen this one on amazon and most of the reviews are positive.

Just thought I would share that with anyone else who may be interested or anyone who would like to make any comments on the above.

Too cheap?  try a different tracker?


Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2

Offline Markyed30

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Re: GPS car tracker
« Reply #1 on: October 17, 2013, 11:37:06 pm »
Looks well worthy for the price

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Re: GPS car tracker
« Reply #2 on: October 18, 2013, 01:34:00 am »
Pointless. GPS trackers can be jammed with a £5 device off eBay.

Offline flashp

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Re: GPS car tracker
« Reply #3 on: October 18, 2013, 06:57:16 am »
I had one on a Scooby I had. Insurance co. insisted on it. Unless car thieves believe that GTI's predominantly have trackers fitted it'll not stop your car getting stolen but the police will find it quicker.

Get a remap from Revo and buy an SPS switch which you can use to prevent the car from being driven. Double win!  :happy2:

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Offline rex

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Re: GPS car tracker
« Reply #4 on: October 18, 2013, 07:16:44 am »
I work for a company that has a software solution for many types of devices (he have more than 25.000 cars monitored in Europe). I am currently working on that project.
While you may find GPS devices you also need to have access to a software solution in order to see where the car is. You also need to configure the GPS device to your exact needs (so that you don't have to much or to little data, or have battery drainage issues).
Yes, all GPS devices (including the navigation systems) can be jammed with a device. It just cuts the GPS signal on a 5m(ish) range. But, both the device and it's antenna are hidden from sight and are situated in the dashboard. So, you can only see that a car has a GPS tracking device if you take the dash apart and know where to look. Plus, the device that jammed the GPS Signal has its power output from the lighter and the GPS tracking device has it's power directly from the battery. So, when the thief takes the car to a specific location it might send data after the car is stopped and the GPS jammer is no longer working.
In addition to this, you can set the GPS tracker to send data after a period of time. For example you can set the GPS tracker to send data at every hour (or even less depending on the battery size and usage) and get a SMS or email or both, when it is not working. So the thief only has an hour head start.
In Romania we have used this device for anti theft and is worked very well. For example a had a colleague who's Audi A6 was stolen during the night and, the next morning, he accessed the web application, saw where his car was (250 miles away), called the Police and they when to that specific address and caught the thief.
For this example the thiefs replaced the ECU so a remap and SPS Anti Theft mode only works with the original ECU.

As I said, we use a lot of different device types but the most common device is Teltonika FM1100:

Hope this helps!

Edit: I forgot... When you lose the GPS signal you can be notified via SMS or Email in real time.
« Last Edit: October 18, 2013, 08:25:28 am by rex »

Offline Joesoap

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Re: GPS car tracker
« Reply #5 on: October 18, 2013, 08:43:52 am »
I was told my car has a tracker fitted but no paper work with it, must look into how to get it working  :smiley:
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Re: GPS car tracker
« Reply #6 on: October 18, 2013, 09:23:03 am »
I had a tracker on my Triumph Street Triple R

It was not a cheap one, it cost £300 + £199 a month "monitored" location tracking (they phone you if your vehicle is moving).

- It went faulty and drained the battery overnight
- They only ever phoned me when it was not being stolen but because the faulty tracker had drained the battery and the tracker thought it was being fiddled with so sent an SOS
- Was annoying.

I like them in theory but in practise unless you wire multiple trackers up discreetly (as in, non directly to the battery...EG hide one in the seats, one under the dash, one in the boot) and hide them all well you are going to be losing battle. Most vehicles get stripped.

Offline rex

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Re: GPS car tracker
« Reply #7 on: October 18, 2013, 09:34:03 am »
It was not a cheap one, it cost £300 + £199 a month "monitored" location tracking (they phone you if your vehicle is moving).

That's very expensive! Depending on the devices and needs, I think the prices we have are from ~100 EURO Equipment + 10 EURO a month (I am not in the Sales department).
It doesn't matter that the car gets stripped as long as the device sent you the position before stripping!
The battery drainage hazard should be explained to the customer when setting up the device (it is very closely linked to the device settings; we have setups that have no battery drainage issues and I am sure other companies have them too). There are other ways you can wire a GPS tracker but direct battery feed is the best one.

Offline Joesoap

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Re: GPS car tracker
« Reply #8 on: October 18, 2013, 09:35:46 am »
 "They only ever phoned me when it was not being stolen"  LOl   Isn't that always the way  :stupid: :grin:
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Re: GPS car tracker
« Reply #9 on: February 15, 2017, 05:11:44 pm »
It was not a cheap one, it cost £300 + £199 a month "monitored" location tracking (they phone you if your vehicle is moving).

That's very expensive! Depending on the devices and needs, I think the prices we have are from ~100 EURO Equipment + 10 EURO a month (I am not in the Sales department).
It doesn't matter that the car gets stripped as long as the device sent you the position before stripping!
The battery drainage hazard should be explained to the customer when setting up the device (it is very closely linked to the device settings; we have setups that have no battery drainage issues and I am sure other companies have them too). There are other ways you can wire a GPS tracker but direct battery feed is the best one.

Sorry for bumping an old theme. But WOW!
Are these prices real? 200 pounds for monthly subscribtion is (and was) too expensive.
I've been using a free tracking about two year before. Actually I purchased a tracking device (that gps unit). It is installiable on OBD connection and fits there permanently. And there is quite some of software providers that do give free tracking for testing. Of for permanently using, but there is a lot of limitations. Normal plan for my is 4 euros per month, and it works fine. The plan is the same from gps wox, it is cell phone tracker I am using. I think these prices as these days make it able to use for everyone. Talking about real ability to secure a car, it depends on reporting abilities. If it is able to report it constantly to a gps network - it's very hard to block it with gps jammer entire time.

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Re: GPS car tracker
« Reply #10 on: February 15, 2017, 08:38:19 pm »
Sorry, I meant £199 a year!