Firstly I am sorry for the poor Iphone pictures.
Have been spending rather a lot lately on the car (think that's what show season does to you!)
After having a LOT of trouble with wheels which I won't go into just yet, not until its sorted anyway! Decided I liked the look of the LM's, but unfortunately not the price tag that came with them, so had to go down the route of getting some cheap (ish) reps, I have to say though, I quite like them, a nice finish
And whilst the wheels were off gave the calipers the best clean that they have seen in their 60 000 mile lifespan, though there are still some chips here and there.

Even got some cool dice valve covers (well I think they are pretty cool anyway!)

A pound if anyone notices what my next cosmetic mod is from the third picture

Also got some very nice looking Bilstein B16 shocks thanks to a certain member here to get the ride height/and the ride much nicer.
Just looking at them I get all excited......Look the danglies

Also had the cambelt changed, which is a £350 mod that made NO difference, wat a ripoff!
Had a Forge shortshifter put in, like it, though keep missing 6th into 4th, very tricky.
And also got an Evoms engine cover which has not gone on yet as there is a bit of work to be done on it.
Next update soon I hope