Right, next on my hit list was a double din headunit so I purchased and rcd 510 off Doig90

Fitting these to any car older than 2008 causes battery drain so I had to order a new CAN BUS Gateway, I ordered and payed for this yesterday from Eddie NL with the spec of my car and It was delivered along with a plug in and play modified loom for the mdi unit I'd bought to have full control of my iPod through the headunit and it also displays the track playing on my highline display, it's fully functional through my multi function steering wheel too. Must say I'm very impressed with Eddies knowledge and the service he supplied.
Right so onto the fitting. Can bus gateway first.
First step is to remove the windscreen wipers. And here came the first problem. A bolt had obviously been sheared before and replaced with a 10mm threaded part instead of the usual 13mm (I think it had been welded onto the sheared thread) first gentle turn and yup, you guessed it, it snapped.

Can't do anything about that now so, carry on stripping parts. Wipers, wiper motor and a few trim parts.

Which lets you get to the CAN BUS Gateway.

Swap that sucker for the new one and refit parts.

With that out the way, onto the headunit. The one that was in it was a cracking Alpine one but I wanted an oem double din. So, out with this.

And in with this.

Ps I got it sitting flush.
Happy days everything works perfectly except as i was sore and it was raining i rushed it and I forgot to reconnect the wiper motor so I'll have to take the wipers and scuttle off again
