General > Detailing

Jay's detailing Guide ^_^

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good guide,

dont agree with all of it  :evilgrin: but the basics are there for people

Haha jake  :happy2:

Glad it's helpful for people
Any other questions please ask.

--- Quote from: Marc-5-GTI on November 03, 2013, 07:46:09 pm ---Sugar!!!

I did not know you should apply wax in straight lines...... bugger!

--- End quote ---

You don't HAVE to it doesn't change anything.
Just that straight line scratches are much easier to remove , and much harder to see, than circular scratches.  :happy2:

Machine polisher work in circles  :grin:

Yes they do, by removing layers of paint. They work in a fixed pattern (as in constantly rotating about a given point at a given speed). A small amount of dirt will normally be broken down by the pad/polish/machine - No ill effect will be had.

Using your own hand will result in RANDOM patterns.. By hand you can't get that sort of power. more likely to cause marring.

Using circular motions on the panel when washing/drying/applying waxes, means if you are going to put swirls and scratches in, rather than being straight line scratches, which are only visible from certain angles in certain light, you are going to put circular scratches and swirls in, which are visible from most angles and most lights. Basic rules of light  :happy2:

you saying i got girly arms like  :P :signLOL:


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