General > Detailing
Jay's detailing Guide ^_^
All of this stuff cost me about £280 and I got a hefty discount.
For what I did on someones car would be 2 full days and I would charge around £150.
Pro detailer you would expect to pay £300+ for a 2 stage around 85-90% correction and I would charge around this if I were doing it professionally with an si02 sealant.
Thankyou! Very informative guide! :happy2:
--- Quote from: xjay1337 on December 27, 2013, 10:24:56 am ---
All of this stuff cost me about £280 and I got a hefty discount.
For what I did on someones car would be 2 full days and I would charge around £150.
Pro detailer you would expect to pay £300+ for a 2 stage around 85-90% correction and I would charge around this if I were doing it professionally with an si02 sealant.
--- End quote ---
I will keep this in mind!
Quick question regarding snow foaming. Before snow foaming do you hose the car down or snow foam a dry car?
I would hose the car down first to remove any heavy surface contamination such as grit and stones etc. :happy2:
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