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Author Topic: DV D vs G debate  (Read 15255 times)

Offline H17YD_L

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Re: DV D vs G debate
« Reply #60 on: January 28, 2014, 12:30:58 pm »
I have both a G and a DV+ and I have done some logging with both, the the DV+ seems to meet requested boost ever so slightly earlier than the G I'm only talking 250-300rpm. I've got the graph from the DV+ here and I can get the G one when I get on my laptop at home:

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Re: DV D vs G debate
« Reply #61 on: January 28, 2014, 12:41:30 pm »
Its a bit like the HPFP debate.

If you want to get the maximum with no/little boost leak and dont mind having to change a £40.00 part every 20,000 miles go for the G.

If you want a part that wont fail and wont need changing, but will potentially compromise performace somewhat go for the D.

I suppose the big question to ask Nick and Alex is - "How much extra boost (expressed as a %) does the typical D valve lose aginst the G? How much power/torque is typically lost in the same b2b runs"

If the answer is 2-5 bhp and 5-8lb ft then you might take the view that should stick with a D. If you are losing 20lb ft and 10bhp then I think you have to say, may as well keep chaning the G when I change cam follower because if you are going to great lengths to get the most out of your car and the best possible parts on it you dont want to compromise it by having a poorly performing DV losing you a lot of performance.  :popcornsoda:
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Offline H17YD_L

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Re: DV D vs G debate
« Reply #62 on: January 29, 2014, 07:56:13 pm »
If anyone was interested in the DV+ vs REV G logs I did here they are:



« Last Edit: January 29, 2014, 08:09:35 pm by H17YD_L »
S3 Sportback S-Tronic GONE... MK7 R on order