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Bonnet Vinyl

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--- Quote from: candy turbo on December 03, 2008, 09:04:34 pm ---i am going to dis agree with every one else and think you should follow the lines in the bonnet , imo this will give more of a factory look and the lines a better finish !  just my opinion  :happy2:

--- End quote ---

.... x2

Most definitely. What peeps are missing is that it's only when dead straight-on in photos that the line-up with the nose mask matches. In reality it won't match up from any other angle, especially as you have a drop from bonnet down to nose mask. Also, you do read the bonnet creases and that the vinyl hasn't made it as far. Your brain will connect the black bonnet with the black nose even if it doesn't line-up exactly.

Just my opinion.

I was adamant it had to follow the grille lines but after seeing some of the photo's posted im now not so sure?  :confused:

I see what you mean, in that if the vinyl does not follow the bonnet crease then the eye will automatically focus on it and maybe think that it is not alligned, but from some of the angles on those photos, following those creases really doesn't look too good. Although, from some angles it looks ok. Really not sure what to do!

Still got a couple weeks to decide....  :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared:

Sorry Chris  :ashamed:

I'll tell you what might work, show some none car type people and see what they say?  :santa:

Yeah good point!! I'll give that a go later today!

Put a topic up on the other forum  - we'll see what they think also!

Although, Im still swaying towards following the grille lines, but as you say its hard! The more you look at one type, the more it looks ok!

Im sure in reality both will look fine and broadly similar!  :smiley:


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