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Attention all you airheads!....
--- Quote from: Hedge on January 05, 2014, 12:36:14 am ---
--- Quote from: MPS on January 04, 2014, 09:08:16 pm ---Let's not forget the original 'air-ride', the Citroen DS.
Cool car
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Depends if you class oil and nitrogen filled spheres as air. :confused:
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Airlift will be offering it in 2080 :signLOL:
Can't wait.
--- Quote from: Scrubadub on November 10, 2013, 08:48:05 am --- I'm running full airlift with v2, best thing I've ever bought
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Nice little post makes me want air but from the video, it seems unfair as they did not mention what coilover or equivalent it was getting compared to. Im guessing a air set up would cost 3k+ but I can't imagine a set of 3k coilover performing so poorly against air.
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