sick, i was thinking to get an evo at one point but it comes with such a bloody bad label round my ends i would probably be getting pulled over every other day!
ed30 seems the one alot are talking about , maybe a possible upgrade in the future......i was tinking if i like the gti to go for the r32 next but it seems too much more expensive plus ed30 as you and many have said is really goood for tuning.....
r32 is slow, my standard cupra used to push my mates one down the road.
Sounds nice though.

The CTR is a cross between the gti and R26, it is more refined than the R26 but not as quick. Its quicker than a GTI though but not as refined. GTI is a great all rounder, R32 is a better al rounder but lower mpg and cost more to tune (but is more tunable than a gti if you have the money) S3 a cross between gti and R32 and so the best to tune though engine is not as nice as R32. Cupra is nice but interior and build is not as good as VW/Audi, its still good but you can see why they cost less, good second hand cars though as you get loads for your money! Not driven a R26 so cant fully comment.
Theres always the RS, Audi A3 3.2, Alfa 147 GTA, Astra VXR, Corolla VVTI etc etc
Each one has positives and flaws, there is no perfect car, just one that fits your needs.