Hi Guys , new to the forum ,
Thought this was an intresting thread to post on first

Been reading with interest , i have a MK2 Leon Cupra , and its running 267 bhp standard according to rolling roads , claimed output is 240 bhp.
On seatcupra.net most Cupras which are rolling roaded do make above stock figures.
With regards to manufactures claims of bhp , i am led to believe they give an average account of the power figure they produce ,very similarly to fuel consumption figures , and btw i can get no where near SEATs claim either , so this shows there are inaccuracies and its not a complete science.
Tolerances on engine components and build standards , materials and process will have a marked influence on what a cars final bhp figures will be , unless we know what tolerances are involved in all the components we can not even begin to understand what figures will actually be able to be achieved.
Concessions on parts happen all the time ,for instance if a turbo charger vains are cast or machined slightly wrong but give better airflow they may be concessed and be deemed within limits , but inreality might add 1% performance , which might not sound much but how will that 1% affect other components in the engine ? by the time the bhp is measured it could produce 5% more power , this is purely an example.
oh and btw i have been an engineer for 21 years

but i certainly dont know everything about everything and i dont watch discovery lol