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2nd Mk5GolfGTI Meet - Sun 1st Feb Santa Pod

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Then I personally think it's a good idea. I just felt the question needed to be asked as I'm not so familiar with The Pod - I've only been there once (when I dropped my trousers on the Start Line).


^^^ It does sound like a bit of fun  :driver:

So if you can put out some details elsewhere Ben to get a few R32's/VXR's/etc along that would be good Ben  :happy2:

^^^^ Im sure Davefish could rustle up some interest on R32OC? There a good bunch  :happy2:

RR make sure your rear tyres/wheels are okay. I had another dream about the Pod.

Sunglasses Ron:

--- Quote from: RedRobin on December 30, 2008, 12:12:09 pm ---^^^^

 I've only been there once (when I dropped my trousers on the Start Line).


--- End quote ---
Rememeber it well... Still wake up in the middle of the night in cold sweats because of it..  :scared: :grin:


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