General > Old Event Details

2nd Mk5GolfGTI Meet - Sun 1st Feb Santa Pod

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--- Quote from: RobMKV on December 03, 2008, 04:04:35 pm ---Will you guys go down the M6?

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yups!  :happy2:


--- Quote from: joesgti on December 03, 2008, 03:51:39 pm ---
--- Quote from: T88OMM on December 03, 2008, 03:47:43 pm ---Count me in. Convoy Joe??  :happy2: :jumpmove:

--- End quote ---

yeps, luca was just saying about meeting at krispys  :party: early, have some brekie and shoot down ther  :smiley:

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Sounds good Joe. Large Latte and strawberry filled doughnut will do me fine  :happy2: :jumpmove:

do they not do bacon and egg donuts in the morning  :surprised:

1. WhiteGTI  signature king
2. Greenouse  Rim king.
3. RobMKV  style king
4. JoesGTI   not turning up king
5. NEWEY  newest king
6. Luca  Money king
7. Top cat.  p!$$ take king
8. Phil Mcavity non milltek king  but faster then joesGTi  :wink
9. Wheel Man.  Slow king
10. vwrascal   lion king???
11. Mat ED 30  to many VW's king.
12. T888OM  loud pedal king.
13. SteveP (I will let TC invent a name for me  :laugh:)

The wheel man:

--- Quote from: joesgti on December 03, 2008, 04:18:06 pm ---
--- Quote from: RobMKV on December 03, 2008, 04:04:35 pm ---Will you guys go down the M6?

--- End quote ---

yups!  :happy2:

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Then onto the M1??  If so, ill tag along as i havent been to the pod before  :smiley:  Anyone else around the M69 / M1 junction?


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