General > Old Event Details

2nd Mk5GolfGTI Meet - Sun 1st Feb Santa Pod

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candy turbo:
is any one going M 1 south, then A14 ? if so could meet at leicester forest east services and convoy their ??? :happy2:

candy turbo:
there are a few travellodge / travel inn places along the A14 if red robin needs a room

Any one travelling from South Wales ? Am working nights on the morning of the 1st until 0700 - gonna try and leave by 0200 - get 4-5 hours kip in and attend !

Sunglasses Ron:

--- Quote from: candy turbo on January 22, 2009, 08:45:50 pm ---is any one going M 1 south, then A14 ? if so could meet at leicester forest east services and convoy their ??? :happy2:

--- End quote ---
I'm coming past there mate if you want to meet?


--- Quote from: SteveP on January 22, 2009, 08:45:07 pm ---^^^ It's not a problem the place there staying at is next to an american diner which does one of the best breakfasts I know of around this area  :party: :party: :party: :party:

--- End quote ---

That's good to know. Cheers Steve :happy2:


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