im having the same problem, how longs a long time to get to 90? this car takes a long time compared to my old vxr but thought its maybe just how these cars are and if it was the thermo i wouldnt have thought it would ever get to 90 or fluctuate at least
is there anyway to check on vcds? ive got it but new to it so not sure what im doin lol
There have been quite a few posts on this recently. There seems no doubt that these cars do take longer than most other cars to get up to temp.
In my case, it was taking 6-7 miles to get up to 85 where it stuck - apart from the odd motorway run when it got up to 90.
I changed the temp sender - no improvement except it then read more accurately!
Then got the thermostat changed - Big improvement!
I get warm air into the cabin after a mile or so, with an outside temp of about 12 deg it gets to 90 after 2 1/2 to 3 miles. Colder now, 5 deg, gets up to temp after 3 1/2 to 4 miles.
Performance is now better and MPG has improved.