« on: November 16, 2013, 08:23:07 pm »
I've just had a K04 fitted (this morning) with the relevant power upgrade

and I was at the lights earlier and gave her a bit more welly than I should of and heard/felt a large bang and some thumping under the car, I pulled over and had a look underneath but it was a bit dark and only had my phone light so couldn't really see anything, I drove slowly home but when pulling away & changing gear there was something banging about in the gearbox/engine area.
I will take a proper look in the morning, but at the moment I'm thinking possibly engine mounts??? Or could it be something else?
Today I managed to finish work before it got dark and get underneath, the pendulam mount has broken/come undone and the engine has shifted forward about 2inches

What damage could I have done? I haven't lost any water or oil but a bit worried what I may have damaged that I cant see.

« Last Edit: November 22, 2013, 03:20:02 pm by Syrag64 »

Black 2007 GTI Manual, Stage 3 K04, R32 Bumper/Exhaust, WALK, adj rear ARB, KW1's, Twintercooler, Twintake, 18's (winters), 19's (summer) modified dectane LED rear lights, NQSBBK, Forge dump valve, Xenon look headlights with 5000k HID, 3" downpipe with sports cat, TT wishbones, uprated HPFP, Sach Uprated Clutch, Quaife LSD, VT & THS Engine Mounts.
To be fitted: Reverse Camera & uprated headunit.
Future plans: De-dent & Detail