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Author Topic: Engine Knock/Possible flywheel?  (Read 1011 times)

Offline Jimmm

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Engine Knock/Possible flywheel?
« on: November 24, 2013, 03:15:51 pm »
So lately ive start to notice a knock when ive initially pressed the accelerator to take up drive. It only happens when i press the accelerator with a gear engaged. Gear change is fine as i can change the gear without the noise and i can also rev the engine without the clutch engaged and it is fine. I'm starting to thing that the springs in my dual mass flywheel have become week to the point where there not softening, there just slapping if that makes sense?  Ive changed the dog bone mount and im pretty sure its not the actual engine/transmission mounts as they would know when starting the engine surely?

Any ideas of what it could be before i decide to do this?
