General > Old Event Details

The meeting of two stags.

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yea, 14.6 i ran, was a wicked day, shame we had to back of the line  :sad: will defo be up for another do in the sunmmer  :jumping: (then i can kick ur ass fair and square  :P :grin: only jokin)  :smiley:

Phil Mcavity:
yes spring would be good, then i can fully use launch control instead of 1800rpm!. Have you got any slips Joe with your break down on time sectors for the quarter mile?

This battle isnt resolved just yet  :happy2:, and good to meet you in person joe  :wink:

i was only launching at 2k, esp off, handbreak on  :driver:

spring sounds good,  :smiley:


The battle isn't resolved, but Joe with his slightly faster time now has an edge :evilgrin:

The big question is whether Joe further mods his car before the next round.


--- Quote from: RedRobin on February 03, 2009, 05:47:06 pm ---....

The battle isn't resolved, but Joe with his slightly faster time now has an edge :evilgrin:

The big question is whether Joe further mods his car before the next round.

--- End quote ---

just got tbe off luca  :laugh:


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