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The meeting of two stags.

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Phil Mcavity:
So by removing his spare wheel and rear crash gurder behind the bumper saving weight :scared: , and now full tbe,i have no chance so it wont be no longer even battle  :sad:

But i STILL will be victorious :wink: :signLOL: Average up all of joes times, he did lots slower runs, and i  ran better on average.

lol, just kidin :wink:


--- Quote from: Phil Mcavity on February 03, 2009, 07:36:14 pm ---So by removing his spare wheel and rear crash gurder behind the bumper saving weight :scared: , and now full tbe,i have no chance so it wont be no longer even battle  :sad:

--- End quote ---

You could always have the 5 hour Revo trial fitted before your trip up :happy2:

Don't tell anyone though  :innocent:

Phil Mcavity:
 :evilgrin:............ now theres a thought :smiley:


--- Quote from: Phil Mcavity on February 03, 2009, 07:36:14 pm ---So by removing his spare wheel and rear crash gurder behind the bumper saving weight :scared: , and now full tbe,i have no chance so it wont be no longer even battle  :sad:

But i STILL will be victorious :wink: :signLOL: Average up all of joes times, he did lots slower runs, and i  ran better on average.

lol, just kidin :wink:

--- End quote ---

i ran 14.8 against ben (first run EVER)
then 14.7 against gti_james  stage + ed30 :P
then 14.7 again
then 14.6

so only 1 slower than you  :P

Phil Mcavity:
well all that thought it would be close were right. We both performed better then some remapped monsters and your cheaper Remap done well aswell :wink:

Hope you get to singapore eventually mate :wink:. i hear french women dont shave  :surprised: :scared:


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