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The meeting of two stags.

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--- Quote from: Phil Mcavity on December 12, 2008, 06:54:43 pm ---lol, i will be a nervous reck on the start line, and i expect joe will be aswell!!. Thankfully i cant stall mine :embarrassed:

--- End quote ---

If you want, could meet up for practice runs  :signLOL:

I practise on slipways by flooring it (making sure there's no one around of course!). :driver: :driver: :driver: :driver: :driver: :driver: :driver: :driver: :driver: :driver:

Phil Mcavity:

--- Quote from: stealthwolf on December 12, 2008, 07:19:26 pm ---
--- Quote from: Phil Mcavity on December 12, 2008, 06:54:43 pm ---lol, i will be a nervous reck on the start line, and i expect joe will be aswell!!. Thankfully i cant stall mine :embarrassed:

--- End quote ---

If you want, could meet up for practice runs  :signLOL:

I practise on slipways by flooring it (making sure there's no one around of course!). :driver: :driver: :driver: :driver: :driver: :driver: :driver: :driver: :driver: :driver:

--- End quote ---

arh training, what a good idea :wink:

What milly you had Steve? Cat back or turbo?   :xmassmiley:

Phil Mcavity:
catback non res.  :smiley:

Sunglasses Ron:
About time Steve..  :happy2: Though I can't see it making a huge difference power wise mate..  :confused:. TBE then yeah..


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