So after a year in the e46 M3, I needed something a little bit more practical.. My heart was saying Golf GTi, my mind was saying Golf GT TDI 140.. So.. I followed my heart!
Didnt get much pictures of when I had it but it was a totally standard MK5 Golf GTI, Tornado Red, 3 Door..
So far since owning it.. I've made a few changes..
As It was a standard model, I added a RNS 510 and an Armrest LOL!..
Not sure what speakers are inside but theres loads of them and the stock sound is pretty good.. whatever it is..

Definitely took shape inside..
Moving on, Calipers were turning pink, rear pads needed doing..
Had them re-painted and had fitted Brembo pads on the rear..
Didn't expect it to handle cornering and bends like my M3 but decided a set of springs would be perfect, I thought about coilovers but I knew I'd never go to a track day or drive so enthusiastically as its my daily runner. To add to that, Mum drives it to!!!
So a set of Eibach Sportline 20/25mm went on..
Here's how it sits now..

Found these on ebay, thought they're pretty kool

Next in line..
Service and MOT at VW
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