General > Photography Section
FORUM CALENDAR 2014 - Selected hi-res needed....
--- Quote from: richwig83 on November 20, 2013, 03:32:59 pm ---
Some good pics. I do think that hurdys own entries were better that the one you've chosen yourself. It's not really calendar worthy IMHO.
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....They are good but are generally exposed to feature the scenery rather than the car and hence the overall character of the car is reduced, almost lost.
Everyone will have their own different opinion about which photos will make the 'best' calendar. This is exactly why Neil and myself insist on having complete control on these decisions, otherwise it's simply too much hassle to be involved in this at all and very time consuming and even more frustrating when the forum keeps losing connection (as it did during Neil and I making decisions last night).
Anyway, I did post that we might use one of his 'scenic' set as well.
awful lot of "snap shots" picked... :innocent:
Well, first of all thank you for making me apart of the next years calendar! :notworthy:
I think I am very lucky I have a very photogenic car color but, I have to keep pushing for great angles and shots to make sure I will be in the 2015 calendar also :grin:
I've sent the photos in high resolution. If there are any issues please write here or PM or over mail.
Can't wait to get my hands on the finished product!
--- Quote from: jonm on November 20, 2013, 06:15:41 pm ---
awful lot of "snap shots" picked... :innocent:
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....I've seen your professional photography on your web site and it's truly excellent for a great many reasons. However, we didn't choose the photographs you submitted. I will say that if we had chosen one of yours it would have most likely been as a front cover but then the "snap shots" as you call them might have seemed poor by comparison. It's not an art calendar. A couple of your submitted pics would look better framed and on a wall rather than in a down-to-earth car forum calendar, in my opinion.
I don't mind who is picked.
This is going to be a calender that is on display at your house, work/office, garage, whatever. People will look at it and make their judgements/assumptions. It represents the forum, the members, and in a way, VW Golf drivers and enthusiasts.
The quality/composure of some of the shots chosen is not of a quality I would personally consider right for a calender. I'm not saying anything negative about the CARS chosen (as not a single car picked I would deem "un-caldenerable" - just the photos of said cars.
That's my opinion.
However I'll still buy one. And RR and the other guy have done a lot of work putting it all together. No-one has the same taste in cars, pictures, etc, and there's always going to be people who are unhappy.
So let's all cut people a break on what's picked and why. :happy2:
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