General > Photography Section

FORUM CALENDAR 2014 - Selected hi-res needed....

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Thank you to Neil and Robin for your efforts once again.

Don't like it = Don't buy it. Simple as that really. :happy2:

As above.

Sales figures as always will tell you if people like it!

Plus those photos mean different things to different people - some people love wheels, lowered or whatever.

If it helps the forum put me down for two!

Well done to those members who put the time and effort in. :notworthy:


--- Quote from: doylebros on November 21, 2013, 08:43:12 am ---
Plus those photos mean different things to different people - some people love wheels, lowered or whatever.

If it helps the forum put me down for two!

Well done to those members who put the time and effort in. :notworthy:

--- End quote ---

....Thanks, your encouragement is very much appreciated  :drinking:

I'll post a link for calendar orders once Neil has started that thread.

Trying to support the very differing loves of forum members for their cars is exactly what we have attempted to represent in our choice of fine photographs and snapshots.

I think you cannot win on this, yes sometimes they are not the best quality pics but then again they capture atmosphere, this year we seem to have had less submissions so the choice is even harder

other years there have been votes on this and quite frankly that had very little to do with the quality of pics or cars included

end of the day Robin does this for the love of the forum, whilst we don't always agree with the choices we should respect that and he is old enough and cantankerous enough to take it on one of his chins  :happy2:


--- Quote from: wigit on November 21, 2013, 10:33:38 am ---
I think you cannot win on this, yes sometimes they are not the best quality pics but then again they capture atmosphere, this year we seem to have had less submissions so the choice is even harder

other years there have been votes on this and quite frankly that had very little to do with the quality of pics or cars included

end of the day Robin does this for the love of the forum, whilst we don't always agree with the choices we should respect that and he is old enough and cantankerous enough to take it on one of his chins  :happy2:

--- End quote ---

...."had very little to do with the quality of pics or cars included" is exactly why I have not wanted to be involved if choices were down to public voting - Then it really might be ALL 'snapshot-tastic' and furthermore photos which reproduced poorly in print.

I must go and look in the mirror - I didn't notice more than one chin when I last looked!  :laugh:


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