For those who have a "gripe" (which actually means "something trivial") about either last year's calendar or this year's, Neil and I can only choose from the photographs which are submitted.
It depends how you define "calendar worthy" but if more photographs which might be described as "calendar worthy" by some (and not "snapshot-tastic") had been submitted then we probably wouldn't be having this discussion.
If one photographer such as professional jonm had photographed all the cars then I am sure that the calendar as a whole package would meet a "calendar worthy" standard but be honest guys, such a photographic project simply isn't practical without being funded to cover the photographer's and others costs. If every member of this forum who submitted their car photos was a professional photographer then I expect "calendar worthiness" would also be achieved.
However, the calendar represents the forum membership and their cars. It also gives members an opportunity to photograph their cars to their best ability, to enjoy doing so, and to enjoy seeing their efforts published. It's clear to me from the PMs I have received so far today that most folks here are genuinely very happy with our selection.
To put down other people's efforts as "snapshot-tastic" is frankly very disrespectful to other enthusiasts here. I would even go further and say it appears to stink of photographic snobbery.
Neil and I have chosen a group of photographs which are (a) reproduceable (b) representative (c) sit comfortably together as a collection. All Neil and myself can do is work with what photos we are offered.