General > Shows, Events and Meets Does Blackpool lights Final big meet of the year 17th Oct

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Haha ye I think my misses will be coming to this one. She like bright shiney light, she's special


--- Quote from: Top Cat on September 14, 2009, 09:26:40 pm ---
--- Quote from: edd666999 on September 14, 2009, 09:16:43 pm ---i will have a word with the mrs but i think this will be my 1st MK5 Golf meet  :jumpmove:

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If your Misses is up from Brighton she is welcome to come along, most of the young lads who attend our meets bring there better halves. The older guys are glad of the break.  :signLOL:

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as of tomorrow she will be here for good :)

I do hate blackpool tho  :grin: 1way systems!!!

Top Cat:
Aye the lights are pance nowadays and we will just be in a 2 hour traffic jam but it makes it a bit different from the usual.
we went last year with a different forum and the cruise down there was excellent.  :evilgrin:

as long as everyone will stop so i can get doughnuts i dont care :D


--- Quote from: edd666999 on September 14, 2009, 09:59:07 pm ---as long as everyone will stop so i can get doughnuts i dont care :D

--- End quote ---

i think this might call for a KK meet then blackpool convoy  :party:

im defo coming in the soft top for this one  :signLOL: :star: :evilgrin:


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